Celiac is a small intestine or can be said that it is allergic to some food. When food comes out of gluten, it affects your digestive system, through which digestion there is digestive problems. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease. Celiac disease also affects pregnant women on the development of their child. Ciliate disease causes child growth to stop, as the child gets its effect on length. Let's know what is ciliac disease and its symptoms.
What Is Cilic Disease
Silicone disease is an autoinium disease, which is a disease associated with small intestine. Celiac disease is a disease caused by the immune system, which is caused by eating gluten. In which the disease resistance of the body starts fighting against its own body and it affects the digestive system. This disease is a disease caused by wheat, barley, oats and other whole grains. Because wheat, barley and oats have a protein called gluten. Ciliac does not harm the person's small intestine,
Symptoms Of Ciliac Disease
Silyic Disease is mainly associated with stomach problems, but in children this disease also hinders their physical growth. Some of the symptoms of this disease are such as constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain or flatulence, fatigue, headache, vomiting, hair fall or scars and donation in the body. Apart from this, body weight loss, bone disease, lack of blood and repeated abortion can also happen.
Pregnancy Woman Pregnancy During Pregnancy
If women take this caution during pregnancy, then they may reduce their risk of keeping the child from their celiac disease away. Studies show that during pregnancy, if a woman consumes a fiber diet, she is beneficial for her and her child.
Neglected women should use gram flour rather than wheat flour.
In this way, you should include products, fruits and vegetables made from rice, maize, jowar, millet, milk and milk in your diet. It allows you to self and your future children